Work From home for the IT industry in India is more beneficial for MNC or big IT Companies not beneficial for any initial stage company or startup because a big company has pre-defined processes and operation with real time reporting. For Companies below are the benefits :
Increased productivity
Saving everyone money
Infrastructure Expense Saving
Happier employees
Increased staff motivation
Financial benefits
Keeping up productivity
Less need for regular holidays
Location IndependenceImproved Inclusivity
A Customizable Office
Safety in virus spreading
Convenience saving
Time saving in travelling to office
Work/home life balance
Impact on Sustainability
A Happier, Healthier Work Life
- employees are safe from getting infected
- can practice social distancing with ease, and
- are comfortable while working.
- It is also preferred as the virus can reappear in patients who made a full recovery.
So we can understand these are benefits of work from home for every employee but there is another side where an employee wants to work with a team in an office experience so yes they are waiting for office opening after this pandemic. but as above explained Companies are in more benefit with this work from home culture and it is not beneficial for small companies because productivity is not as compared to office because they don’t have processes in their company and proper reporting employee dont work continuously based on experience and researches.
This lockdown is beneficial for website designing company in delhi because people are in need of website due to this pandemic and Website designer are working fine with full capacity so their business is in benefit.